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Nick Volkert in his home studio, 2021.
Nick Volkert in his home studio, 2021.
We live in dangerous times.
DangerHuskie is a side project of vector illustrations I started during the covid pandemic lockdown in the Spring of our Discontent, the Year of our Lord, Year of Danger, 2020.
I love creating vector art and graphics, and needed an outlet for the list after list of ideas I had been cataloging over the years. Branching off all of these ideas into their own brand "DangerHuskie" then came to me.
Illustrator, as in vector graphics, have been a long long love/hate game for me. I love what I can create with with them, the scalability, and I hate how fickle they can often be. So after creating them for over 20 years, now on an almost daily basis, I'm going to show vector graphics who's boss!
"DangerHuskie" is going to be fun, scary, challenging, cute, and unrelenting. I'm glad you found it, and I hope you stay along for the ride. I have LOTS in store for you.
All works for sale at my shops. View gallery.